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Ready to rethink anxiety & unleash your life?
What if anxiety is not as a symptom to be silenced,
but a signal to be decoded, understood and acted upon?
☕ Explore the BIG 5 life issues: Identity, Isolation, Death, Freedom and Meaning
☕ Learn about the hero’s journey and how to reframe anxiety as a teacher
☕ Get Life Cafe Book 2: Anxiety as a Teacher (outline below)
“Smashed my darkest thoughts” – Karen, Community Connector
Healthy Minds is not designed to be a therapeutic substitute for any particular mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, psychosis or post-traumatic stress.
So if you have any significant mental health concerns, we ask you not to discuss personal details about this at our Life Cafes. Instead, we strongly encourage you to seek a mental health professional for support or advice. Note, we have a clinical psychologist available @ Life Cafe Club for specialist mental health issues. Visit for details.
If you are currently experiencing a mental crisis we strongly encourage you click on the button below to reach out to the most trusted organisations for immediate free advice and support on your recovery journey.
If life is in danger please call 000 for emergency assistance for police or ambulance services.